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At bat in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2019-09-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: at baymeatballflat barfatbackbeat backsweatbandkeep at baygreat bargain
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1. He has driven in 74 runs, and he is batting. 512 in 82 at- bats with men in scoring position.
2. Who is at bat now?
3. In baseball, only the side at bat can score.
3. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
4. Batter at bat in baseball and cricket.
5. It's Willie 's time at bat.
6. He was at bat when it happened.
7. Pete is on deck, waiting his turn at bat.
8. Rail Road Pagers' Scout Boucher makes contact while at bat during a Havre Girls Fastpitch Association B-League softball game in Havre, Mont.
9. Karl was at bat only a short time before he struck out.
10. You had all those hitless times at bat, the Government was saying, you've had it.
11. Charles was at bat only a short time before he struck out.
12. Truth - Did anyone ever see Babe Ruth at bat?
13. On average, most batters foul at least one ball in each at bat.
14. They then the field and the other team comes in to have its turn at bat.
15. We are moving full - screen programs. Each application occupies the entire screen when it is " at bat. "
16. Even the best ballplayers usually get a hit only three out of ten times at bat.
17. We had two outs when it was Larry's turn at bat.
18. They then take the field and the other team comes in to have its turn at bat.
More similar words: at baymeatballflat barfatbackbeat backsweatbandkeep at baygreat bargaingreat barrier reeffootbathfruit batcricket bathatboxat bestflatbedcatbirdseatbeltseat beltat bottomflatboatflat brokegreat bearflatbreadflat brushflat-bottomsweat bloodcat burglargreat britainflat-bottomedthe great beyond
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